Elevate your home and garden with SHAC's premium, sustainable products, meticulously crafted to improve both quality and environmental responsibility.
SHAC offers premium products engineered to boost the health and sustainability of your farm or ranch operations.
SHAC delivers superior treatment solutions tailored for municipal and commercial clients.
Our Commitment SHAC’s commitment is to research, manufacture, and distribute natural products that provide the necessary nutrients and resources for resident microbes to naturally digest organic materials in their ecosystem.
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“We have the organic, enviromental friendly, and certified solutions to many of your water, waste water, soil and livestock problems”
< 10,000
For dugouts under 10,000 gallons, SHAC PONDER effectively reduces sludge buildup, clears up cloudy water, and eliminates foul odors, promoting a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing water environment.
SHAC PONDER revitalizes ornamental ponds by effectively removing sludge, clarifying the water, and neutralizing unpleasant odors.
SHAC REVITAGRO boosts residential soil health by increasing humic acids for better fertilizer use and improved productivity. It also combats soil salinity by chelating excess salts, leading to healthier plants.
SHAC REVITAGRO boosts soil health, improves nutrient uptake for vibrant growth, and manages soil salinity, leading to healthier, more productive plants and turf.
SHAC FEED ADDITIVE for hogs, when added to complete feeds, reduces barn odors, ammonia, and carbon dioxide levels. This results in a safer, healthier environment for both the livestock and farm workers by improving air quality.
SHAC Manure Digester offers benefits to the chicken industry. It reduces ammonia volatilization from poultry waste, improving air quality in and around poultry houses.
SHAC Manure Digesor reduces ammonia emissions from cattle manure, improving air quality in and around barns. The digester helps to liquefy and break down manure, making it easier to pump, handle, and transport, which can lead to cost savings.
SHAC Shactivate benefits septic systems by introducing beneficial bacteria that break down organic waste more efficiently. This helps reduce the buildup of sludge and solids in the septic tank, preventing clogs and extending the lifespan of the septic system.