1 Litre, 10 Litres

SHAC Revitagro

Revitalizes soil conditions, improves plant growth, and encourages nutrient uptake

SHAC Revitagro™ contains oxidized lignite from one of the highest quality sources of humic materials in North America. These humic and fulvic compounds are essential for a healthy and productive soil environment.

Revitagro™ Benefits:

  • • Improves water retention in soil and drought resistance in plants

    • Increases retention of nutrients in the soil

    • Limits the effects of salinity in affected regions

    • Environmentally friendly and safe to use

    • CFIA-registered soil amendment (Registration number 2106128A Fertilizers Act)

SHAC Revitagro™ is designed for:

  • • Horticultural land

    • Acreages

    • Yards and gardens

    • Golf courses

    • Greenhouses

    • Compost

1L - 10L - 12 Kg Case 1L - 10L - 22.7 Kg
Case 10L - 9"x11"x15" Case 10L - 9"x11"x15"
1L / 10L / 205L

Many lawn and turf soils are limited in their ability to sustain healthy grass due to their tendency to become compacted and hard, reducing the soil moisture absorption and retention. Soil compaction often occurs in soils which are low in organic matter and dominated by clay sized mineral material. Clays impede the drainage of water and limit air space in the soil, making it hard for roots to move and grow, ultimately making it more difficult for plants to prosper. Heavy clay soils also tend to harden to the extent that water, dissolved fertilizer and pesticides can be lost through surface run-off as water tends to soak into the soil more slowly than it is applied. Improvements in soil organic content and reductions in soil compaction result in soils which are more capable of maintaining healthy root zones and reducing surface run-off. This ultimately allows the soil to maintain optimum moisture retention and reduce fertilizer and pesticide losses, and reduces the economic and environmental impact of maintaining healthy, green lawns and gardens.Revitagro has been developed as a soil conditioning product for lawns and gardens with the ability to increase available soil organic matter, decrease soil compaction and improve moisture retention within a single growing season.

SHAC Revitagro is an excellent source of Humic Acid. Humates and humic acids act in many important ways to make the soil more productive and fertile.

Humates (metal complexes of humic acid) help to supply growing plants with food. They also act in other important ways to make the soil more productive and fertile.

Humic substances increase the water holding capacity of soil; therefore, helping plants resist drought.

Humic substances help retain water-soluble inorganic fertilizers, releasing them as needed to growing plants, and help prevent nutrient leaching (through chelation).

Humic substances result in increased aeration of the soil.

Humates establish a desirable environment for microorganism development in the soil.

Humic acids form stable complexes with metals (ex. chelation of salts), thereby limiting the effects of soil salinity.

Revitagro - Application Guide
Revitagro Safety Data Sheet (SDS-2022)
Revitagro Brochure
Revitagro Technical Bulletin
Revitagro - Complete Presentation
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SHAC Revitagro

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