1 Litre, 10 Litres, 205 Litres

SHAC Ponder

Improves water quality by decreasing odors, turbidity, and organic solids accumulation.

SHAC Ponder™ treatment helps to achieve a naturally balanced system by stimulating resident microbial populations and improving the decomposition of organic material.

  • Reduces offensive odors in treated water providing more pleasant drinking water for livestock and humans.

    Reduces black organic sludge (biosolids) from the bottom of ponds which is often the nutrient source for aquatic weeds and algae.

    Reduces cloudy, turbid water providing clearer water for all uses.

    Safe for human and livestock consumption immediately after application (Please note: Ponder does not replace standard water treatment practices in sources intended for human consumption).

    Certified by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) Standard 61.

NSF Standard 61 Certification
1L - 1.2 Kg, 10L - 12 Kg Case 1L - 17.3 Kg, Case 10L - 22.7 Kg
Case 1L - 12.5" x 12.5" x 9" Case 10L - 9"x11"x15"
1L / 10L / 205L

Tested safe for fish at recommended rates; water is safe for human and livestock consumption as well as fish immediately after Ponder application.


Certified by NSF International Standard 61.


Easy to use – just shake the container and pour it into one location of the pond.

To estimate volume in a pond or dugout, first determine total cubic area using the following equation: Length x Width x Depth x 0.7 (or appropriate slope factor*) = cubic area (ft³ or m³).Then multiply by one of the following: 6.25 to convert cubic feet to Imperial gallons 7.5 to convert cubic feet to US gallons 1000 to convert cubic meters to Litres * To calculate the slope factor, simply divide the elevation change in feet by the length of the actual slope. A slope factor of 0.7 (for a 70% slope) may be used for standard dugouts with steep sides. For natural basins/ponds, a slope factor of 0.3 (for a 30% slope) may be used to account for the long, shallow slopes that often exist in natural ponds and lakes. It is important to properly determine the slope value at a site in order to accurately estimate the volume.

Initial application rates for all ponds and dugouts (not including stormwater drainage or golf hazards) are 10L Ponder/500,000 gallons of water.Maintenance applications are made every 8-10 weeks (basically once every spring/summer/fall) and range from 2-10L/500,000 gallons total volume.Initial application rates for all stormwater and golf hazards require 20L/500,000 gallons.Maintenance applications are made every 8-10 weeks (basically once every spring/summer/fall) at 10L/500,000 gallons.

This suggested maintenance dose is intended to treat the water for nutrients which are deposited via precipitation, irrigation, and run-off during that period. In addition, nutrients cycle from the bottom of the pond to the surface a minimum of twice per year (spring and fall aquatic inversions). These nutrients must be controlled or excessive algae and vegetative growth can occur.

In locations where the surface freezes over for an extended period each year, the application of the product is not recommended during the winter. The exception is when significant odors are present in the water during the winter months and that water source must be used for animal or human use. Locations, where the water does not freeze, may require a product every 8-10 weeks all year long

Anytime is fine, but optimally treatment would begin in the spring and continue throughout the year. This gives Ponder the opportunity to affect the nutrient concentrations and microbial balance before the water is inundated with warm temperatures and high nutrient content (a recipe for algae growth).

Ponder is simple to apply. Turn the container upside down while shaking it. Also, tap the bottom of the bottle to loosen carbon solids. Pour the contents of the container in one location (along one side). Spreading the product over the surface or around the perimeter is generally not necessary.

No. Trials have indicated no significant difference in application results in ponds less than 2,000,000 gallons which have been treated over the total area of the pond or in a single location. Maintenance doses can be applied to different areas of the pond each time, but there is no need to broadcast the product. This is due to the fact that minute internal currents existing in all waters due to localized weather (eg. wind, precipitation, and temperature fluctuations) which keeps the water moving vertically and horizontally.

No. Algaecides are designed to destroy living algae through the absorption of the algaecide in question. Ponder has been developed to reduce algae growth by limiting nutrients that can are otherwise utilized by algae populations for growth. Ponder accomplishes this in two different ways. First, the activated carbon in the product is capable of absorbing many nutrients, as well as chemicals or toxins in the aquatic environment. Of course, the activated carbon cannot select what it will absorb, rather it absorbs readily to whatever it comes into contact with (i.e. nutrients and toxins in greatest concentration will be absorbed to a higher degree). Algae require nutrients in an ‘available, inorganic’ form, at a level in the water termed ‘trophic’ (areas where required sunlight can readily be found). After Ponder treatment, much of the nutrients become bound to the carbon and are eventually bio-digested by organisms (eg. bacteria and aquatic invertebrates) ‘organic’ nutrient sources. This leads to the second function of applying Ponder to water. Ponder contains micronutrients and growth factors (organic acids) that have been found to stimulate the growth and activity of many resident aquatic organisms, including bacteria, phytoplankton, aquatic invertebrates, and aquatic vertebrates alike. The key to a successful, healthy aquatic environment is achieving a relative balance amongst these organisms so the cycle of life, death, and nutrient recycling can take place in a biologically diverse atmosphere

No. Ponder has limited effects on any vegetation which is rooted because these plants draw most of their nutrients from the sediment in which they are rooted, rather than the aquatic environment itself.

It is generally recommended to wait 2 weeks (14 days) after the application of any algaecide, herbicides or pesticides in order to allow the effects caused by these products to be complete. The exception is aquatic dyes, in which case you must wait until the color caused by the application of the dye has disappeared.

Yes, assuming that the aeration or artificial oxygenation is being used for the purpose of ensuring that fish or other intentionally kept aerobic organisms have a continuous supply of adequate oxygen. However, if using aeration and Ponder in conjunction, it is recommended to raise the input to the top 1/3 of the depth of the pond. Ponds not containing fish do not require artificial aeration, which can ultimately limit the impact of Ponder application in the body of water being treated.

Yes, Ponder contains activated carbon which has been routinely used by professional and municipal water treatment industries for this purpose over the past several decades. The difference is, by applying Ponder you are placing the activated carbon directly in the water source rather than actively filtering the water through an activated carbon filter. The effect is similar, however, the danger associated with a filter becoming a biological media which could potentially result in tainted water does not apply.

Ponder helps by controlling the nutrients and the location of the nutrients in the pond by absorbing minerals dissolved in the water as well as stimulating the biological organisms present in the water (i.e. resident micro-organisms) to consume greater amounts of accumulated organics (eg. deposited leaves, grasses, aquatic vegetation, and dead animal material). The result is a return to ‘balance’ in terms of nutrient cycling and biological diversity within the body of water.

Multiple bio-assay tests conducted at an independent laboratory have proven that Ponder is not toxic to fish (the species used in the bio-assay were rainbow trout) at over 50 times the recommended application rate.

It is safe for humans and animals to consume properly disinfected water which has been pre-treated with Ponder at any time after application of Ponder. However, it is suggested that Ponder applications are made as far from the intake as possible if immediate consumption of the water is required. This is recommended so that significant amounts of the product applied are not removed from the reservoir. It can fully impact the water quality remaining in the pond or dugout. Ponder IS NOT to be used or considered a treatment for the purpose of disinfection in water intended for human consumption.

This depends on many variables such as the reason for treating (eg. water clarity, odors, organic accumulation, color, or nutrient control), the flow rate or consumption rate, the source water quality (eg. irrigation canals, run-off, spring-fed, etc.), the management of the local vicinity (eg. pasture land, cropland, forest, etc.), past treatment (eg. bluestone, Reglone A, Reward, bleach, chlorine, aquatic dyes, etc.), the age of the body of water, and the intended use of the water (eg. fish, domestic use, irrigation, spray water, or animal production). Of course, correct application and maintenance are also crucial. Taking into account these numerous variables, experience has shown that users observe improvements in their water anywhere from 2-6 weeks after treatment. Control of odors typically takes less time than control of other water quality issues.

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Ponder Application Guide
Ponder Safety Data Sheet (SDS-2022)
Ponder Technical Bulletin
Weed and Algae ID Guide
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SHAC Ponder

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